Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Basic Soy sauce broth Ramen

 Very Basic Ramen.

Fast and easy basic Tokyo style shoyu ramen for week days.
Do you know how ramen soup is actually made?
They put all the seasonings directly in the bowl and pour some stock in!
Of course they prepare seasonings like "garlic oil", "leek oil", "secret seasoning base"(Ramen chefs call this kaeshi!!!) etc etc and make their original stock by themselves.
You may think I am lazy not cooking the soup...
But this is basically how it is made in ramen places too.

~Soup for 1 serving
2tsp Kaeshi (Koikuchi Tokyo style) or 1Tbsp Kaeshi of Usukuchi Kyoto style
1Tbsp Sesame oil (Or chili oil if you like spicy)
1/2~1tsp Grated garlic or 1/4~1/2tsp Garlic powder
1/2tsp Veg broth powder (Adjust to your palate)
A little White pepper powder
1/2~1Tbsp Minced leek (Optional)
450~500ml Hot water

* Using used pickling seasoning(soy sauce based) instead of Kaeshi and sesame oil is good!
It adds umami infused from veggies!
It is my "secret seasoning base" for ramen!
Have a taste test and adjust the saltiness.
Vinegar based pickling seasoning is good to use in Sichuan hot and sour soup!
* Kaeshi can be replaced by 1Tbsp soy sauce + 1tsp sugar, if you want to.

Put all the seasonings in a bowl,
Pour the water in and stir.
Add cooked ramen.
Serve with toppings of your choice!

Veg scrap pickles
Fried tofu
Sliced green onion
Nori seaweed
etc etc... whatever you have in the fridge!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Pickle the veg scraps!

Veg scrap pickles makes everyday cooking easier.

Easy preparation for the next meal, good way to preserve veggies, reduce waste!
Not only convenient, actually they have umami and nice crispy texture!!
Soy sauce based is good as a topping for ramen and congee.
I like broccoli stems (looks like Sichuan pickles!) and cabbage cores (looks like bamboo shoots!) for this.
Blanch them beforehand.
Vinegar based is good for Vietnamese style sandwich Banh Mi.
I pickle daikon peels and carrot peels for this.
Julienne, shake salt, let sit until it releases extra water, then squeeze before pickling.
And of course both soy sauce based and vinegar based and all the other kinds are good as a side or palate refresher of any kind of dishes.
Adding in fried rice is great too!

①Soy sauce based
Kaeshi 1 : Sesame oil 1 + a little sliced red chili, if you like.
Or Soy sauce 1 + Sugar 1/3 instead of kaeshi.

②Vinegar based
This is called Ama-zu 甘酢, means sweet vinegar.
One of the basic mixed seasonings in Japan.
A mix of julienned daikon and carrot pickled in Ama-zu is called Nama-su なます, served as a palate refresher (usually body, not the peels though) in a Japanese rice and miso soup meal.
Vinegar 2 : Sugar 1 + Dry kombu slices

Good to go with a bowl of rice, as an onigiri filling, ramen topping, congee, etc etc...

④Shio-koji + Yuzu peel
Good to go with a bowl of rice, for sandwich, ramen topping, congee, etc etc...

* Let sit in the fridge for few hours and it is ready to eat.
It can be stored in the fridge for about 1~2weeks.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Komeda's Egg sandwich Pizza toast

Tofu Egg Sandwich Pizza Toast!

Home made vegan junk food that is great to go with coffee! hahaha
A copycat recipe of the popular chain coffee shop Komeda Coffee's dish!
I have never had the real one, because it is egg, cheese, dairy in bread, etc etc, you know.
So I can not really copy the taste...I've only seen a picture.
But I was impressed! It is a great idea, isn't it?
So I tried it at home with plant based ingredients.
But there's one problem, it is a little difficult to eat!

Spread ketchup or pizza sauce on "egg" sandwich, sprinkle a little dry oregano or basil, top with sliced tomato, onion, green pepper, and plant based cheese,
then toast!
Serve with hot sauce! (I guess this is Japanese style?)

* For "egg" sandwich, refer to the previous post "egg salad".
How to make tofu texture like boiled egg white, how to prevent tofu from continuing releasing water.
* Want to make cheese that melts too?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Takoyaki, Octopus balls

Crisp crisp, plump plump Takoyaki たこ焼き~

My YouTube

Takoyaki , octopus balls are a popular bite sized ball shaped savory snack made from wheat flour, eggs and soup stock that has a piece of octopus inside. I guess most of people overseas imagine Gindaco 銀だこ when they hear the word Takoyaki, but Gindaco is not considered to be authentic Takoyaki in Osaka where Takoyaki was born.
Classic Osaka style is creamy like custard inside and crispy outside, because they are eaten right after cooked, not because of deep-fry finishing like Gindaco. Gindaco was founded in East Japan of take away culture, contrary to Osaka of eat in culture. They converted Takoyaki recipe into suitable to take away by making the batter thick and cooking the surface with oil for finishing to keep the texture for a long time.
Authentic Takoyaki is getting difficult to find nowadays as Gindaco is getting popular all over Japan except Osaka. I hear that Gindaco became too popular and their sales came to largely affect the market price of octopus in Japan, so they came to need to purchase octopus from overseas!
I introduce both Gindaco style and classic Osaka style Takoyaki. Explanation is long, but it is not a lot of work to cook. I only explained the details, must do & no no.

~Preparation the day before ~Tako=octopus King oyster mushrooms エリンギ Shio Koji 塩麹 Kombu 昆布 Cut the mushrooms into twice or three times bigger than you want them to be. Because they shrink to 1/2 to 1/3. If you have a pickling jar, put the mushrooms in it and toss with shio koji, place a piece of kombu on top, then put the lid on and let sit in the fridge overnight. If you don't have a pickling jar, putting in a zipper bag is fine. Just put the ingredients in and remove air. I recommend to get a pickling jar, they are available in 100yen shops, and very usuful.

While waiting, the living bacteria of shio koji make Umami, the kombu adds sea flavor, the salt in shio koji makes the mushrooms release excess water and firm up, the texture and flavor of the mushrooms turn into like octopus! This method can be applied to other seafood dishes too! Don't throw away the juice. It adds good umami in soup, stew, etc etc...
If you don't have shio koji, salt works similarly except fermentation. Kombu stock powder may be good too instead of salt and kombu. ~Batter for about 16pcs of small size Gindaco style 90g Cake flour or all purpose flour 薄力粉 10g Chickpea flour ( for eggy flavor and smooth texture) ひよこ豆粉 1tsp Kombu powder 昆布粉 1tsp Shiitake powder 椎茸粉 300ml Cold water 冷水 1/2tsp Soy sauce 醤油 Classic style (This is how I usually cook with the iron pan) 70g Cake flour or all purpose flour 薄力粉 10g Chickpea flour ( for eggy flavor and smooth texture) ひよこ豆粉 1tsp Kombu powder 昆布粉 1tsp Shiitake powder 椎茸粉 300ml Cold water (320ml when I was using a Teflon coating pan, because it was bigger.)冷水 1/2tsp Soy sauce 醤油 Gluten free 60g Rice flour 米粉 10g Chickpea flour ひよこ豆粉 10g Tapioca starch タピオカ澱粉 1tps Kombu powder 昆布粉 1tsp Shiitake powder 椎茸粉 320ml Cold water 冷水 1tsp Gluten free soy sauce グルテンフリー醤油 1~2tsp Oil 植物油 * If you want to use kombu stock powder instead of kombu powder and shiitake powder, omit soy sauce. Because stock powder usually already contains sodium. If you don't have kombu powder and shiitake powder nor kombu stock powder, using cold kombu and shiitake stock instead of water is fine. Mix all the powder ingredients in a bowl. Add the mixed flour little by little in the water and mix each time. Mix well, but be careful not to overmix in order not to activate gluten. Don't worry if it has lumps, they will be gone before cooking. Add soy sauce (and oil for gluten free recipe) and stir.
Cover the bowl and let sit in the fridge overnight. The reason is hydration. You know, it is the same reason as when cooking rice. For the best flavor and texture, it is important to pregelatinize the starch. For pregelatinization, it is important to fully hydrate before cooking. I don't really feel the difference when cooking Okonomi yaki, but for Takoyaki, I do recommend to let it sit overnight, you'll feel it is very different. You know, Okonimiyaki is almost all cabbage, but Takoyaki is almost all batter. ~The day to cook! ~Other ingredients 1Tbsp Pickled ginger or raw ginger (Minced) 紅しょうが、生姜 2Tbsp Green onion (Sliced) 青ネギ or 万能ねぎ 1~2Tbsp Tempura crumbs or Crispy fried onions (Omit for gluten free) 揚げ玉 or フライドオニオン * Non-veg Tempura crumbs contain squids and shrimps for extra umami. But vegan friendly ones are just fried batter. Tempura crumbs are added in Takoyaki to raise the temperature inside so that the texture gets creamy. So vegan tempura crumbs work in the same way, but I prefer to use fried onion to add umami of onion too. Most of Takoyaki chefs use pickled ginger, but actually it doesn't have to be pickled. You know, pickling is just a way to preserve vegetables. I usually use fresh raw ginger. And I hear that some Takoyaki places known for the taste use fresh ones too, such as Wanaka in Osaka a.k.a the most popular Takoyaki place! Takoyaki chefs usually pour the batter in the hot Takoyaki pan and sprinkle ginger, green onion and tempura crumbs on it, but I add them in the batter and mix beforehand, because I don't like to be rushed.

Heat the Takoyaki pan, apply enough oil (Maybe a lot more than you think), pour the batter in. Put a piece of mushroom octopus in each pits and sink in the batter. Once it formed thin skin, separate each pieces with Takoyaki picks, chopsticks or icepicks, then turn when inside is still raw.
Usually they are shaped into balls by 2~3times turning. Try to make the skin as smooth as possible so that it keeps moisture inside and makes good creamy texture. If they have a hole in the skin, the moisture evaporates from there and the texture gets gooey and rubbery. Cook them as turning until delicious brown and crispy outside.

For Gindaco style Takoyaki, finish with deep frying process of their signature. Once skin is formed, pour some oil over and cook until crispy as turning. Using sesame oil for this process adds more flavor. Serve immediately topped with mayo, "sauce" aka Tonkatsu sauce or Okonomi sauce and Aonori 青のり 青海苔 or Aosa 青粉 あおさ seaweed flakes. About 50% of the Japanese say "No mayo on Takoyaki!", but I am a mayo person. I like wasabi, soy sauce and mayo too.

Good Osaka style Takoyaki shrink when they are removed from heat. The air in them plays an important role to make good creamy texture by "steaming" Tako and batter inside. They are crispy and creamy right after cooked, but they get soggy so fast. So eat them immediately. Gindaco style Takoyaki don't shrink like classic style. Because the batter is thick, and the skin is hard. But they still have air inside when they are cooked properly. * Ratios of Takoyaki batter If it is your first time of cooking Takoyaki, I recommend to start with Flour 1 : Water 3, same as Gindaco style. I like 1 : 4 for the taste and texture, but it is a little difficult to turn. But it will be fine after 2~3 times of practice. Some of Takoyaki chefs say 1 : 5 is excellent, but it is too difficult for me. It may be because of my Takoyaki pan, because it is eggless, or just because of my skill, I don't know... If you are interested in being a Takoyaki expert, start with 1 : 3, then step up to 1 : 3.5 → 1 : 4 → 1 : 4.5 → 1 : 5!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2021


Planning to get a Takoyaki pan?
Or having a trouble to cook Takoyaki?
If you can not cook Takoyaki well or not very happy with the Takoyaki you cook, it may be because of the pan, not your skill.
I have been wondering where to start talking about Takoyaki...
And I decided to start from sharing my wrong shopping experience so that you can get the right one that you want.
I used to use an aluminum pan with Teflon coating and be satisfied with the Takoyaki cooked with it.
But the other day, I found it was worn out and the coating was coming off.
So I decided to get new one.
I choose an electric cooker with ceramic coating, because I thought it must be nice to cook at the table as drinking, not standing in the kitchen.
And I liked the warm ceramic color that matched the table.
Ceramic lasts longer than Teflon.
It is powerful, 1000w!
I checked the review too, it looked all good!
But it was a bad choice...
I tried and tried cooking with it many times for months changing the recipe...
Then ended up buying another.

× Ceramic sticks! 
It was OK when I cooked very thick batter that I don't like very much.
And I guess there's no problem to cook batter with eggs, because everyone says the coating is good...but I cook vegan...
My regular ceramic coat fry-pan has no problem though...
I think the shape of takoyaki × ceramic coat × eggless batter is the problem...
△  Electric 
It is not only how powerful, how densely and evenly heater is arranged is important too...

Here are my recommendations...

If you value quality than simplicity.
① Cast iron pan
○They make very crispy skin and creamy inside.
  They help you to supplement with iron.
  You can use the same pan forever.
  Most of professional Takoyaki chefs use iron or bronze to make good crispy skin,
  means you will be able to make proffesional level of Takoyaki by this oneday.
  If you want to make Gindaco style, this is a good choice, iron stands intense heat.
×They need seasoning before start using and good care everytime you use.
  That means they cost more gas, oil and time everytime.
  They require a little practice to cook good Takoyaki.
  Most of iron pan's pits are smaller (actually they are regular size, 38~40mm.) than  Gindaco size (44mm~).

This is the one I got for the second time.
Cast iron that can be used with gas stove and IH.
I will use this forever.


IH対応鉄鋳物 たこ焼き器16穴【RCP】【3966】【t】
価格:1782円(税込、送料別) (2021/3/17時点)

Family size cast iron pan for gas stove

スプラウト 鉄鋳物製たこ焼きプレート21穴 HB-4621
価格:1080円(税込、送料別) (2021/3/17時点)

If you value both quality and simplicity.
② Aluminum pan with Teflon coating
○They make super smooth thin crispy skin.
   Easy to use for beginners, no practice needed.
   No special care needed.
   Many of them are big "Gindaco" size.
×The life of coating is not very long.

 I used to use one that is similar to this.
Aluminum with Teflon coating for gas stove

Aluminum with Teflon coating in round shape

If you want a portable gas cooker, 
③ ALL THE TAKOYAKI GEEKS say the best portable Takoyaki cooker is Super En-Tako スーパー炎たこ by Iwatani.
Iwatani is a major gas and energy company.
They are Teflon coated too.
Fast, smooth, crispy, easy to take care.
Flat iron plate for Teppanyaki is sold separately.
You can buy a Takoyaki pan separately too when the coating is damaged.

If you want an all purpose electric cooker for 1~2 people.
④ Multi purpose cooker by Iris Ohyama looks good.
I checked the heater in an actual shop.
(After finding the problem of mine is heater...)
The heater looks good and it is powerful 900w!
They can make Takoyaki, Teppanyaki and Hot-pot!
The Takoyaki pan is coated with Teflon.

I really regret that I should have chosen more carefully...
I should have bought a Super En-Tako or ...
and if you are buying an electric, check the power and do not buy 500w or so like most of cheap ones are, it is too low and takes forever to cook.
It is not just because of time, it means moisture in Takoyaki evaporates before they are done and texture gets gooey and rubbery, not creamy.
I guess you need 800w or higher.
But remember! how heater is arranged is important too!
I hope you can buy good one!

This is the one I bought...😭
Look at the heater, you know what I mean...

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